ÍST EN ISO 22000:2018

Breyting á innskráningu

Kæru viðskiptavinir, Vegna breytinga hjá Ísland.is þarf Staðlaráð Íslands að skipta yfir í nýtt innskráningarkerfi í vefverslun sinni. Innskráningin sjálf breytist ekki að ráði og byggir áfram á notkun rafrænna skilríkja notenda en þau fyrirtæki sem hafa gefið starfsmönnum umboð vegna reikningsviðskipta eða áskriftarsamninga þurfa að endurnýja þau umboð í nýju kerfi. Eldra kerfi verður tekið úr sambandi 1. september og því mikilvægt að ráðast í nauðsynlegar breytingar strax til að tryggja hnökralausa aðlögun og koma í veg fyrir töf á viðskiptum. Leiðbeiningar um aðgerðir má finna hér.


Gildistaka - 1.9.2018

Enskt heiti:

Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organizations in the food chain

Tengdur staðall:

ISO 22000:2018



ICS flokkur:




Umfang (scope):

This document specifies requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS) to enable an organization that is directly or indirectly involved in the food chain: a) to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a FSMS providing products and services that are safe, in accordance with their intended use; b) to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements; c) to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food safety requirements and to demonstrate conformity with them; d) to effectively communicate food safety issues to interested parties within the food chain; e) to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated food safety policy; f) to demonstrate conformity to relevant interested parties; g) to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an external organization, or make a selfassessment or self-declaration of conformity to this document. All requirements of this document are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations in the food chain, regardless of size and complexity. Organizations that are directly or indirectly involved include, but are not limited to, feed producers, animal food producers, harvesters of wild plants and animals, farmers, producers of ingredients, food manufacturers, retailers, and organizations providing food services, catering services, cleaning and sanitation services, transportation, storage and distribution services, suppliers of equipment, cleaning and disinfectants, packaging materials and other food contact materials. This document allows any organization, including small and/or less developed organizations (e.g. a small farm, a small packer-distributor, a small retail or food service outlet) to implement externally- developed elements in their FSMS. Internal and/or external resources can be used to meet the requirements of this document.
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